
西班牙语 越南

Open Enrollment 2023

Health equity behind expanded options

by Julie Estlick

当哈维尔González(不是他的真名)开始出现头痛和其他无法解释的症状时, he was concerned. Before he knew it, 这位32岁的健康老人不能再每周锻炼几次,不得不辞去一份需要大量体力劳动的工作. 他没有医疗保险,多次看医生和做检查耗尽了积蓄, González moved back in with his parents.

His eventual diagnosis: a malignant brain tumor. 手术, 辐射, and chemotherapy treatments followed, which can add up to an estimated $700,000, according to the website CostHelper.com.

幸运的是, González found his way to Larimer Health Connect, 十大娱乐彩票平台的一个免费项目,帮助居民了解健康保险是如何运作的,并审查覆盖范围,为他们和他们的家人做出最好的选择. 拉里默健康连接团队在11月11日开始的开放注册期间提供问答环节和特别注册活动. 1.

拉里默健康连接认证健康保险专家罗伊·拉米雷斯确定González符合科罗拉多州健康第一的资格, 科罗拉多州的医疗补助计划(为符合条件的儿童和成人提供免费或低成本的医疗保健)并帮助他注册. 当这个年轻人面对人生的战斗时,他少了一件需要担心的事情.

“It was a very stressful, life-changing time. 我从来没有经历过健康并发症,突然我得到了严重的诊断,”González说. “I am so grateful to Roy and Larimer Health Connect. 医疗补助计划使我和我的父母能够专注于我的治疗,恢复我的健康.”

Health District emloyee with clientsIn these changing economic times, 切丽·尼尔森·塞尼和她的伴侣埃文·尼尔森·塞尼准备大胆地改变职业生涯,于是来到拉里默健康连接网站,寻找他们的保险选择. “We wanted to leave our jobs and start a copywriting business, but what was holding us back was losing our health insurance,尼尔森说. “这很可怕,但罗伊很有耐心,把信息讲得很容易理解. We both found coverage plans that work for us—it really validated our decision.”

拉米雷斯和拉里默健康连接团队的其他成员正在为忙碌的秋季做准备,因为2023年的公开招生将于11月开始. 1. 开放注册(OE)是每个人都可以通过连接健康科罗拉多州市场选择或更改下一个日历年的健康保险计划的时间. In Colorado, the OE period goes through Jan. 15, 2023. However, you must enroll by 外胎day12月. 15, 2022, in order to begin coverage on Jan. 1, 2023. After that, coverage begins on Feb. 1. 去年, Larimer Health Connect helped 931 Larimer County residents find coverage, 工作人员预计,由于该州即将推出一个新的保险购物平台,今年的需求将会增加. 新的科罗拉多连接计划为过去没有资格的人提供更多的费用节省, including options for undocumented individuals.

通过市场选择和购买计划可能会令人困惑和不知所措. 拉里默健康连接的工作人员帮助客户了解他们的选择和任何可以降低健康保险成本的经济援助. 他们还协助完成通过市场投保的申请流程, 或为符合条件的人登记医疗补助或儿童健康计划Plus (CHP+).

Expanding equitable coverage

2023年新功能, 以前没有资格在市场上获得健康计划和储蓄的人可能能够在Colorado Connect上找到选择. Designed with health equity in mind, plans include high value services at no cost to the consumer, and for the first time provide coverage options for undocumented Coloradans. 没有证明文件但符合收入资格的科罗拉多人也可以获得某些计划的经济帮助.

“For the first time ever, households and individuals who are undocumented could qualify for $0 premiums,” says Rosie Duran, program coordinator for Larimer Health Connect. 那些没有达到收入标准的人仍然可以在Colorado Connect上购买全价计划.

Colorado Connect提供标准化的州计划,在所有保险公司中提供相同的基本健康福利和费用分摊. Plan benefits include mental health services, 初级护理, prenatal and postnatal care, non-preventive visits, 和更多的.

“Standardized plans will have the same copayments, 免赔额, 以及所有保险公司的自付最高费用,这样消费者更容易比较计划的福利,并知道他们将为最常见的服务支付多少钱,杜兰说. Premiums and provider networks will vary between those plans.


If all this has your head spinning, 不要害怕:“拉里默健康连接可以帮助人们弄清楚他们有资格获得什么以及如何最好地注册,杜兰说. 事实上, if you are shopping on Colorado Connect, 国家领导人鼓励在第一年寻求帮助,而不是自己动手,以帮助确保无缝的过程. (看到 breakout box.)

无论你的情况如何,关键是不要跳过任何家庭成员的保险. It is easy to underestimate just how much health care can cost on your own. 例如, Connect for Health Colorado estimates that a broken leg could be up to $7,500 to fix if you don’t have insurance. Having a baby can cost $10,000 without insurance.

“健康保险可以通过支付许多健康福利的费用来帮助你保持健康,并保护你免受债务的影响,她说。. “如果你的孩子生病了,需要看医生或服用处方药, it can pay part of the cost. If you’re diagnosed with a chronic condition, 如糖尿病, insurance coverage can help protect you from high, unexpected bills.”

Get help with Larimer Health Connect pull quoteGonzález can certainly relate.

“你 never think you’ll hit your deductible every year, 但如果得了脑瘤,我在第一次癌症预约时就已经达到了自付限额. If I’m able to go back to work, 我会优先考虑找一份有医疗保险的工作,或者自己买一份.”

Ramirez and his team members stand by ready to help during OE, and all year long for those who’ve had a recent life event, like losing other coverage, 移动, getting married, or having a baby.

“现在,不同收入水平的科罗拉多人有很多选择来获得经济援助, minimize medical cost liability, and choose a health plan that fits their needs and budget,拉米雷斯说. “Nobody plans to get sick or be in an accident, but life happens. Health insurance coverage can give you peace of mind for the unexpected.”

Q & 一个说明Health Insurance & 你

•外胎.10月. 25 – 5:30-6:30 p.m.
•结婚.10月. 26 – 5:30-6:30 p.m. (西班牙语)
•碰头.10月. 27 – 5:30-6:30 p.m.
看到 larimerhealthconnect.org to register and receive the Zoom link.


Larimer Health Connect

Schedule an appointment by calling 970-472-0444 或者去 larimerhealthconnect.org.
In-person, Zoom, and phone appointments are available.

Enrollment Events
In-person; walk-in, no appointment necessary.

  • Berthoud
    The Berthoud Life Center, 375 Meadowlark Ave.
    外胎.11月. 29, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • 埃斯蒂斯帕克
    Estes Valley Library, 335 E. 鹿角博士.
    结婚.12月. 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • 柯林斯堡
    Larimer Health Connect office, 144 N. 梅森圣.第七单元
    坐. 11月. 5, 12, 19; Dec. 3, 10, 17; and Jan. 7 – 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
    碰头.12月. 15 – 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (deadline for coverage to start Jan. 1, 2023)
    太阳.1月. 15 – 9 a.m.-4 p.m (last day of Open Enrollment 2023)

从11月开始. 1: Extended hours 外胎. 和碰头. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (holidays excluded)
呼叫 970-472-0444 to confirm details including what information/documents to bring.

Connect for Health Colorado

Connectforhealthco.com or 1-855-752-6749


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